sábado, 22 de novembro de 2008


«More than a third of schools are not giving pupils a good education, inspectors warned today.One in ten 11-year-olds are still leaving primary school without reaching the level expected of their age group in English and maths, Ofsted's annual report found.
And more than half of England's teenagers are still leaving school without five good GCSEs, including English and maths.
In her third annual report, Chief Inspector of Schools Christine Gilbert said England must do better if it is to compare favourably with the rest of the world.
She said she was concerned that there was still too much variation in achievement between different areas of the country.
Poor quality services existed across the education and care sectors, for those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Poorer children, such as those who qualify for free schools meals, were still less likely to achieve five good GCSEs, including English and maths, than their peers.
In 2007, only 21 per cent of children on free school meals achieved this benchmark, compared with 49 per cent of other pupils.
Ms Gilbert said there was a strong link across every sector between deprivation and poor quality services.
She said: "This means that children and families already experiencing relative deprivation face further inequity in the quality of care and support for their welfare, learning and development.
"In short, if you are poor you are more likely to receive poor services: disadvantage compounds disadvantage." [...]»
in, The Guardian
E em Portugal? De que forma, a desigualdade no acesso à informação condiciona os resultados escolares? De que forma, a frequência do pré-escolar permite quebrar o circulo-vicioso do insucesso escolar em áreas carenciadas? De que modo as condições materiais das escolas determinam o sucesso dos alunos? Não se trata somente do "ranking", trata-se de cruzar dados. Trata-se de procurar inverter tendências e de oferecer oportunidades iguais.
Só para dar um exemplo, num concelho como o Seixal a cobertura do pré-escolar público é diferente de freguesia para freguesia (em algumas é, inexistente) esse facto, tem ou, não influência, no desempenho dos alunos ao nível do ensino básico?
Ninguém ignora a importância do contexto sócio-cultural no desempenho dos alunos mas, gostaria de ter mais dados. Alguém os conhece?

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