quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2009

Sócrates visto da velha Albion

"On taking office, Mr Socrates said his priority would be to revive the economy - which has been near the bottom of the European league tables for years - and to stem rising unemployment.
His government has since sharply cut spending, by reducing pensions, raising the retirement age and withdrawing civil service benefits in an attempt to reduce one of Europe's biggest budget deficits.
The reforms - which some claim are destroying social rights - have prompted repeated protests mostly among public sector workers." in, BBC

Outra campanha negra? Incompreensão? Maldade?
Bom, depois de tanta injustiça é bem compreensível a afirmação do ministro Luís Amado em entrevista ao i:
"... tenho uma via de amizade muito estreita com o primeiro-ministro, que está num momento difícil da sua carreira. E o país também.[...]"

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