quarta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2008

Eleições antecipadas, na Ucrânia (3)

“O Presidente ucraniano, Viktor Iouchtchenko, pronunciou hoje a dissolução do Parlamento, depois do final da maioria governamental pró-ocidental a 3 de Setembro.”in, Público

As eleições que poderão decorrem num clima de tensões que se acenturam desde a Guerra da Geórgia. A Crimeia é sem dúvida o mais importante foco destas tensões:

“[…]Alarmed by Russia's recent war in Georgia, the Ukrainian government has imposed new restrictions on the Russian ships' movements, and suggested raising the rent for the fleet.

The Ukrainian president has called the surrounding Crimean Peninsula -- historically a part of Russia and still home to a majority Russian population -- the most dangerous spot in the country because of separatist sentiment.[…]
Tensions have been climbing in this sleepy port since the fighting in Georgia brought into sharp focus two clashing interests: Russia's determination to take on a greater role in the former Soviet states, and the Ukrainian government's determination to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The war in Georgia pitted a Western-friendly government against Moscow; meanwhile, Ukraine is painfully divided in loyalties to the West and Russia[…].” In, LATimes
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